Wednesday, May 4, 2016

My Story - Part 1

Can I just start off today by thanking you for your words of encouragement?  Is that okay?  I’m new to this whole blogging thing so I haven’t learned all of the rules yet, so I’m just going to do it anyway!  Thank you for joining me in this new journey!  I loved hearing from you and you will never know how much your words of encouragement mean to me.  I feel incredibly blessed to share this new experience with you.  So thank you…really, from the bottom of my heart…thank you! 

As I mentioned earlier this week, I really don’t have any idea what topics or experiences I’m going to be writing about.  However, The Lord has already began laying a couple of blog posts on my heart and I’m beginning to work on those now.  If you are going to take the time to read what God has put on my heart and be a part of my life journey through blogging, I feel it’s only right for me to lay a little ground work so that you understand who I am as a woman, wife, and mother. 

I love how David painted such a beautiful picture of how every detail of our lives are planned out by our Heavenly Father.  Psalms 139 says that we were fearfully and wonderfully made, knit together by God in our mother’s womb.  It goes on to say that God saw our unformed body and all the days ordained for me were written out in His book long before one of them came to be.  Think about that for a moment.  Your life was ordained by God.  You are no mistake.  He created you on purpose for a purpose for such a time as this! 

When I think about who I am as a person, it's important for me to understand that many aspects of my personality and life were predestined by God.  I get that.  As a mother of four children, I understand it even more!  I can see how each of my children were predestined with different personalities, talents, and weaknesses.  I believe God purposely placed specific personality traits and strengths within me to fulfill the purpose that He has set out to accomplish through me.  With that said, I also believe that it’s often our life experiences and the people in our lives that help shape us as a person, influencing us as we form our values, beliefs, and opinions.  Today, I would like to introduce you to the two people that have had the most influence over my life and have had an active hand in shaping me into the woman that I am today.  Most people know these two people as Mike and Shirley, but to me, I am the lucky one that knows them as Mom and Dad.  Let me tell you why these two jewels have made me who I am today.

I was blessed to grow up in a loving home with two parents that were crazy in love with each other!  It was a common occurrence to see them hugging, kissing, and telling each other “I love you.”  I never knew anything different.  They always spoke kindly to one another.  In fact, I can’t think of one time that I ever heard my parents speak an unkind word to each other.  Now, I’m sure they had disagreements, but they were committed to each other and they made it a priority to model that to their children.  Their love for each other was undeniable…and it still is. 

As if that wasn’t a big enough deal, they loved Jesus even more!  Just thinking about my childhood brings a smile to my face.  If I could describe my parents in one word, it would be steadfast.  Their commitment to follow Christ has always been unwavering.  I was raised in a home where going to church was not an option…it was expected.  Our family was in church Sunday mornings, Sunday nights, and Wednesday nights.  If our church was having revival, we were there weeknights too!  My parents were steadfast when it came to teaching me to put God before everything else in my life. Aside from a couple of tournaments each year, if sports practices and games interfered with church services, we didn’t participate.  If I had homework projects and assignments that needed to be finished, my parents would tell me I could finish it up after church and they would pray that God would reward me for my faithfulness by maximizing my efforts and helping me finish my work in a timely manner.  God always did!  Afterall, I did graduate high school and college with a 4.0 GPA! 

There was never any doubt where Mom and Dad’s priorities laid and their actions always aligned with their priorities…God first, family second, career and entertainment always following.  My parents weren’t just people who were faithful to the church.  They modeled being the church at home and everywhere else they went.  They were prayerful people.  If I was sick or had a problem, I always remember my parents praying for me.  It was their first instinct.  I haven’t ever known anything different.  I remember waking up to my alarm clock at 6:00am for school, only to see my dad had been up since 5:00am so that he could have time to read God’s Word before he left for work. I can see him now sitting in the sun room on the couch reading his Bible.  I never knew anything different as a kid, but as an adult, I am so grateful that he taught me the importance of renewing my mind in God’s Word daily.  Growing up in a home where my parents modeled this for me definitely had a hand in the way that I pursue God today.  Even as an adult, my parents are still pouring life into my spiritual walk with Christ.  Their passion for God’s Word is contagious and their dedication to Christ is inspiring.  I am forever grateful for their Godly influence in my life. 

Not only were Mom and Dad steadfast in their love for one another and in their love for The Lord, but I believe that describes their parenting style, work ethic, and personality as well.  The definition of steadfast is “fixed in direction, firm in purpose, and unwavering.”  When it comes to parenting and especially discipline, that describes them perfectly!  Let’s just say my parents didn’t have any problem disciplining God’s way and they made it perfectly clear to us that they loved us!  Proverbs 13:24 says “Whoever spares the rod hates their children, but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them.”  And careful they were…careful to make sure they got a good solid swat on my behind any time I deviated from their direction or expectation!  I can remember them quoting this scripture as a kid and wishing they hated me sometimes!  In all actuality, even in the midst of getting my rear end paddled, I never questioned whether I was loved.  They weren’t yellers.  They always disciplined me calmly, yet sternly.  If emotions were high, they would always send me to my room to let me (or themselves) cool down before addressing the behavior and disciplining me.  I can’t tell you how much of an impact their actions have had on my life now as a parent!  Even in those moments of correction (and there were lots of them), they were shaping the way I would someday parent my own children!  Wow!  Now let that sit with you a moment the next time you want to scream and yell at your kids!  You are shaping the way your children will someday parent their kids!  Are you modeling to your children how you would want your precious grandkids parented?  I am forever grateful for the example my Mom and Dad displayed.  They taught me to love and respect my spouse and to love and train my children God’s way. 

Although I could go on and on about all of the things my parents have had a hand in teaching me, it’s their love for Jesus, each other, and for their family that played such a huge role in who I am today.  So, as you read my future posts, I hope you now have a clearer picture of why I am the person that I am today.  Thanks Mom and Dad for being steadfast in your efforts to “Train up a child in the ways they should go so that when they are grown, they will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6).”  It truly was the greatest gift you could have ever given me!  I take that back…the greatest gift is imparting that into my children now!  You are pouring into my children just as you poured into me and for that, I am forever grateful!

Join me on Friday as I share part two of my story. 

Much Love,


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