Monday, May 2, 2016

Life's Journey

Life.  It’s a journey.  Each one filled with different experiences, many of those shaping us into the person we are today.  When I felt the Lord leading me to start a blog, I began praying for direction on what exactly I should write about.  His answer…Life’s Journey.  I wish I could say I was more than willing to obey when He put this on my heart, but to say I was reluctant would be an understatement.  I have felt him nudging me to start blogging for two years!  Yes, two YEARS!

I have had excuse after excuse as to why I couldn’t start yet.  I was a busy mom.  I didn’t have the time.  No one would be interested in what I have to say.  I’m a private person.  What if someone didn’t like what I said or worse, what if they told me they didn’t like it!  What if strangers read my blog…would my family be safe?  The list of excuses could go on and on!  So you could imagine the lump that I got in my throat two weeks ago when I heard God saying, “Now. It’s time.”

Even as I sit here writing my first official entry, my stomach is turning and my mind is racing with all of the same questions and doubts that have filled my thoughts for two years.  But even in the midst of the questions, I have peace.  Have you ever been there before?  Peace in the midst of the unknowns?  I was reminded of the scripture in Ecclesiastes 3:1.  It says, “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.”  Even though I may not know what I’m going to write about next week or who will be reading my posts, that doesn’t matter.  The only thing that does matter, is that God said to do it and knowing that brings me peace. 

Here’s what I do know.  I will use this blog to write about my life’s journey.  I want to share with you what God is doing in my life and how He is changing me.  I want to share with you stories about my life as a mom, a wife, and a follower of Christ.  I will be authentic…fairy tales are fun, but our time is short.  I don’t want to waste your time giving you a false sense of my reality.  So, shall we begin? 

I would like to begin by sharing my story…sharing some of those life experiences with you that have shaped me into the person that I am today.  Because these are such monumental experiences in my life, I will be posting my story in several different posts starting this week.  My prayer and greatest desire through this blogging adventure is that God will be magnified in my life and that He will be praised.  I am thrilled to start this journey with all of you and I cannot wait to hear back from you!  Be blessed today and remember, God is always faithful!

Much Love,



Sarah Martin said...

I am so excited to follow along, Mary. I have always looked up to you spiritually and you have been a blessing in my life. I know others will be blessed and challenged by your authentic faith. Love you sweet friend!

Mary Nelson said...

Thank you Sarah! The feelings are mutual. You are full of wisdom and I am blessed to have you as a friend.