Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Let the Holy Spirit Be Your Guide

Welcome back friends! When I finally took the plunge a few weeks ago and decided to start blogging, I knew God was going to stretch my audience to more than my close family and friends. I’m a pretty private person and typically don’t share personal information with anyone unless I know them. I always make sure my social media account settings are as private as can be and I never accept a friend request unless I actually know the person! Some may say I’m a bit paranoid, but I would say I’m overly cautious. Not only am I very cautious of who I allow into my personal circle, I am also extremely selective of who I allow to speak into my life. I typically don’t’ listen to sermons unless I trust and respect the speaker. I don’t read books unless it’s written by an author that I trust or that was at least recommended by someone that I trust and I rarely follow blogs unless it’s someone I personally know. I’m just extremely careful of who I allow to speak into my life. In case you didn’t know, there’s just a lot of junk out there and a lot of opinions that are far from God’s opinions, so I think it’s important to be selective of who you listen to. Proverbs 4:23 says, “Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.”

When I knew God was leading me to make my blog public, I immediately knew God wanted me to start off by sharing my story. If you are going to allow me to speak into your life, you need to understand where my heart is coming from. You can’t do that unless you know me. It’s my desire that after reading my story, you have a better understanding of where my heart is coming from. I’m probably not going to lead you anywhere that I haven’t already gone and I sure don’t expect anyone to follow unless I have established some sort of trust and respect through this process. I really hope that after reading the first four parts of my story, you feel like you know me a little better.

I wish I could tell you that I’m only going to write about things that will always leave you with a smile on your face and feeling encouraged. However, I know what God is doing in my own life and many of the things that He is speaking and revealing to me sometimes ruffles my feathers initially. He is challenging me and stretching me. He is pruning me and that process can sometimes be painful. I know God is opening up this opportunity for me to share about that process. I don’t want you to read a future post and tune me out the first time your feathers are ruffled. Instead, I pray that you trust me enough to hear my heart. Then take my words, sit on it, pray about it, and allow the Holy Spirit to confirm it within your own heart! If the Holy Spirit doesn’t confirm it, throw it out or just keep it tucked away somewhere!

 I can promise you this…I pray about each and every post and write it days before posting so that I can have some time to pray and make changes if necessary. I want to be led by the Holy Spirit and want God to use my words to point others to Him. I want God to use my words to challenge you to examine your own life and allow the Holy Spirit to shine a light on areas that need to be surrendered to Him. I hope that by now, you have a glimpse of my character and heart. Please know it is never my goal or intent to bring condemnation upon anyone nor judge you. I simply want to share what I have personally gone through and share what God is doing in my life. I pray this blog will encourage you, inspire you, and challenge you! More importantly, I pray that this blog will draw you closer to God than ever before, leading you to go deeper in your faith. Time is short! He wants more than a surface level relationship with you. He wants more than an hour on Sundays. He wants you...all of you! He loves you more than you'll ever know! Thank you for joining me on this journey. Let's go deeper together! He is waiting for us both!

I would love to hear from you! I am praying that God will use this blog for divine connections! I want to pray for you and I want to hear how God is moving in your own life, so please feel free to share! No posts will ever be posted until I approve them. If you ever want to send me a comment, but would prefer your comment be kept private, just let me know and I will make sure I don't post your comment to the thread. I pray everyone has a fabulous week! Sending you some love! xoxoxoxo

In Him,

1 comment:

Adam said...

I appreciate Ur decision to step in what GOD had said..
Do share Ur testimony as GOD wills, n every1 will be encouraged in their down times.
May this blog be used for GOD'S Glory. May u b Ur family be Blessed in JESUS CHRIST NAME AMEN.