Friday, November 13, 2009

Doctor's visit!

We went to the baby doctor this afternoon for our regular check-up. I told the doctor that I didn't think this baby was going to be as active as my little Myka because I hadn't felt a lot of movement. She said that the baby probably was embedded behind my placenta and that the placenta was acting like a pillow, which was the reason I wasn't able to feel the movement. Right after we had talked, she started to listen to the heartbeat. Well, our little one proved me wrong! That little booger was all over the place! The doctor couldn't ever get a good heartbeat, because the baby just kept moving! She got tickled since I was just saying this baby wasn't active! I could hear the baby swishing all around, but I couldn't feel it! After trying several times to listen to the heartbeat, she decided to just take me to the ultrasound room to take a look!
This baby is definitely a baby after her mom's own heart...loves to get pictures taken! I was so glad we were going to get an ultrasound because I really want to find out the sex of this little one! The heartbeat sounded great...around 145 beats/minute! The doctor took a look around and everything looked great. Sure enough, the baby was behind my placenta, so that's why I haven't been feeling a lot of movement! He/she has grown so much since our last ultrasound and was moving all over the place! We had a great shot of the bottom and legs, but the silly cord was right in the way! We never could get a good shot to tell if it was a boy or girl! So, I guess we'll have to wait until our scheduled ultrasound next week! It will be a great birthday present to find out! I can't wait to make the big announcement!

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