Thursday, July 28, 2016

Hillary Clinton's Historical Nomination...Here's Why I'm Not Celebrating

Hillary Clinton is no stranger to making the headline news.  In recent months and years, she has been the topic of many news stories.  However, yesterday, she graced the cover of newspapers everywhere with bold headlines that read “Hillary Clinton Makes History!”  Many articles exclaimed this historical nomination is a game changer for women around the world.  My newsfeed was filled with proud posts from several of my Facebook friends proclaiming #womenruletheworld, #gooddaytobeawoman, #imwithher, and #thereishopeforourdaughters!   I can recognize that this was in fact an historical moment being that Hillary Clinton was indeed the first woman to ever secure the presidential nominee of a major party, but come on ladies…is this nomination REALLY a gamechanger?  Is this nomination REALLY worth celebrating?  Is Hillary Clinton REALLY setting the bar for our daughters?

It’s no secret that Hillary Clinton’s entire political career has been surrounded with scandal.  My daughters are young.  They are uninformed about Hillary Clinton’s past and recent conduct.  However, there will come a day when they are educated, aware, and I trust they will be intelligent enough to understand that this moment actually sent a horrible message to women across the world.  It saddens me to think we have become a society that can actually celebrate a woman who has used money, power, people, deception, intimidation, and political positions to climb her way to the top.  If my daughters learn to conduct themselves like that in order to hold powerful positions that once were only held by men, God help them.  How can any woman be proud of that accomplishment and actually celebrate it with their daughters?  It just makes my heart sad.

“To every little girl who dreams big: Yes, you can be anything you want – even president.  Tonight is for you.” – Hillary Clinton

I have three daughters.  They are smart, beautiful, talented, and kind little girls.  Their futures are bright.  I love sitting with my older girls and hearing them talk about their futures.  They are dreamers.  There have been times in their lives where they desired to be a worship leader, Olympic gymnast, teacher, mother, professional dancer, and one even wanted to be a unicorn someday!  Do you know what I have confidently told my girls since they were small? 

God has BIG plans for you and I believe you can be anything that God has called you to be!  He created you for a purpose and I believe you will be the best worship leader that ever graced the stage of a church if that’s what God called you to be!  I don’t doubt you would make it to the Olympics if that’s what God called you to do!  You just let the Holy Spirit be your guide because if you go where He leads, you can accomplish anything baby girl!  The sky is the limit! 

In our home, my daughters don’t need to look to Hillary Clinton for hope or any other woman in a powerful position.  Their hope comes from The Lord.  They will never grow up questioning whether they are able to fulfill God’s will in their lives simply because they are female.  They KNOW our God doesn’t have limits.  My children will grow up with the knowledge and understanding that if they are obedient to do what God has called them to do, there’s not a man or cultural norm that can stop them.  That’s the message that’s worth celebrating and that’s the message that will lead my daughters to dream big! 

I am 34 years old and I have never once felt like being a woman has somehow limited my opportunities nor prevented me to accomplishing my goals and dreams.  I grew up in a home where both of my parents had very successful careers.  As a child, I witnessed my mother work in a management position despite working in an office full of men.  She was good at what she did and she had much respect from everyone…men and women.  She always conducted herself with integrity and I never once saw her display arrogant feminist behavior.  She has always been a class act…confident, compassionate, hard-working, respectful, encouraging, and kind.  That’s what an honorable leader looks like.  I saw first-hand how God’s favor was upon her and I saw God bless her and prosper her.  My parents taught me that if I worked hard and did my part, God would always be faithful to do His part and I could do and be anything that I desired.  It saddens me to see that so many others lack this confidence.  It saddens me even more that it took a corrupt female leader running for president for young girls and women around the world to feel hopeful that their dreams can come true.

I know that my daughters’ futures are bright.  I know the possibilities are limitless.  I rest in the confidence that God will lead them, qualify them, give them favor, and see to it that they complete the calling that is on their lives.  He will do that for them regardless if a man or woman is president.  Don’t let anyone tell you or your children differently!  For those of you who feel you need to vote for Hillary Clinton because she is a “champion for women’s rights and the fight for equality”, think again.  God is far bigger and so much greater than Hillary Clinton.  He will be the one that opens up the doors of opportunity for you and your daughters and He will be the one that sees to it that His plans prevail in your life.  He is the God of the impossible and He is the giver of dreams. 

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